摄影师克里姆Karim Iliya

2018 哈苏大师












Portrait of a Battling Whale: “In the water! in the water!” shouted Ali, the boat skipper. With a deep breath we jumped in and I dove beneath the torrent of bubbles from the boat wake. I swam deep down, calming my racing heart to conserve the oxygen in my lungs, and then I saw them. Four fully grown whales came into my field of view. I stopped swimming, and stayed suspended in water. I forgot the cold. I even forgot that my body needed oxygen. I watcedh as the four whales cruise by, one blowing a stream of bubbles. Suddenly two broke off and started smashing into each other, twirling and turning, fighting underwater. It was completely silent but my brain filled in the sounds. I watched as they got closer. And then I realized that they were were headed my way. My heart quickened, and my first reaction was fear. But I’ve learned in the water not to panic. I looked around for my companions. No-one in sight. My brain started racing, deciding what to do, whether to swim up, down, or away, and I realized that there was absolutely nothing I could do. The best thing to do was stay still, weightless suspended a few meters below the surface. I watched as one of the whales got head-butted on his side and his 5 meter (15 foot) tail, the most dangerous part of the whale, sliced through the water just in front of my face. My finger stopped, photography was not my priority. I had an image in my head that I would be accidentally pulverized between two large male humpbacks battling over a female, an unintended casualty. But just at the moment before impact, the two whales split apart, and gracefully flew past me, the closest at less than an arms length away. The whales knew I was there, and even in their struggle, made sure not to crush the delicate little creature in rubber suit, with its little camera bubble. I remembered that I needed oxygen, and surfaced, full of adrenaline and oxygen. We went right back in with them

This close up image is of the whale as it was being head butted. Though in the midst of battle, he is looking at me, fully aware of my presence. The whales knew where I was, and went out of their way to not destroy me.



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